I started cupping my mom and grandmother when I was 11 years old. I remember asking them what it does, and the would sat it “takes the bad blood out.” I didn’t understand what that meant at the time, except that it must’ve had a regenerative quality to it. Which indeed it does.
Cupping breaks down and regenerates old capillaries ( hence the discolored skin post cupping treatment) in a process called angiogenesis. This aids in microcirculation in the regional tissue bringing more blood flow and circulation to the area. Not to mention it aids in lymphatic detoxification. We also have receptors on our skin that respond to touch by boosting endorphins, your happy feel good hormones which also aids in reducing pain.
Cupping increases blood flow and removes stagnation beneficial for pain relief and relieving muscle tension.
Check out the next slide to see what your cupping marks are saying about your body. Image by kanobliss
Consult a licensed acupuncturist for additional support and other health concerns.