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Spring into Wellness

It’s that time of the year!! Flowers are starting to bloom, the Sun is out longer and we get to enjoy the lightness that Spring brings. The shifting of the seasons can also challenge our immune system triggering allergies, colds, and a general sense of tiredness and fatigue as our body adjusts to shifty temperature changes and such.

Protect and optimize your health by following these simple tips to keep your immune system strong and resilient this Spring!

Tips for Spring Wellness + Resiliency

  • Sleep: Sleep is one of the most important ways our body resets itself each day. Make sure to get plenty of sleep, rest and nap during the day if you need to catch up on sleep!


  • Immune Boosting Herbs: Reishi and most medicinal mushrooms have adaptogenic properties and support healthy immune functions. They also have anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties and can be a great herbal ally during the changing of seasons. Astragalus Root is another favorite. It is an immunostimulant and strengthens our bodies natural ability to fight off pathogens. * Please consult an herbalist or professional before consuming herbs.


  • Nasal Irrigation: For those of you suffering from seasonal sinus allergies, the neti pot is going to be your best friend this Spring! Irrigating your sinuses with warm saline solution can greatly reduce signs and symptoms related to allergies.


  • Exercise Regularly: A balanced exercise regime is a simple and powerful way to protect yourself from getting sick. You naturally produce endorphins while exercising, which elevates your mood and induces a general feeling of well being. But everything in moderation. Too much can also be depleting.


  • Eat a Balanced Ayurvedic Diet: Spring is a time of lightness of being. Be mindful of your food intake and eat balanced meals rich in whole grains, proteins, fruits and vegetables. Diet is everything. * Cooked warm meals are better for those with sensitive digestive systems such as congee ( rice gruel), soups, broths, teas, and steamed or cooked veggies. Adding some fermented foods with your meals can also add natural probiotics and assist in the digestive process.


  • Don’t Worry, Be Happy: Stress is inevitable, but how we respond to it matters. Surround yourself with positive people, books, podcasts to keep stress at bay. Meditate, laugh, take walks in nature and nurture your heart in all the ways that make you feel good. If you’re happier, you’re less likely to get sick as your immune system also responds to elevated or low moods and emotional changes.


  •  Wash your hands: We can prevent the spread of infection, bacteria, and viruses by washing our hands thoroughly. This is the best way to avoid getting sick and the best prevention from getting others sick. If you’re sick be mindful when coughing ( cough into inner elbow) or avoid public places for the sake of others well being.

Wishing you all a smooth and easy transition into Spring! 



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