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How to use Food, Herbs and Yoga to “Protect your Yin” from Fatigue & Overwhelm

Chronically tired? Overworked? Fatigued? No Energy? Poor sleep & diet? We may be able to tolerate these things for a while, but not for long. We live in a very “yang” masculine dominated society where people are on the go-go-go, do-do-do schedule. Rest and self care sound luxurious and elusive to most living this type of lifestyle, but it’s a must in this modern day and age if want to maintain longevity and wellness, and our sanity for that matter.

Ayurveda is built upon the 3 Pillars of Health. Sleep-Lifestyle Management- Diet. This is the foundation for maintaining health and balance in mind-body-spirit.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, over stimulated, and overworked, our inherent constitution can become imbalanced. Simplicity, stillness, and quiet is the key to replenishing the system and get it back to working order. When we outspend our resources-physical and energetic this causes deficiency and burn out, and can wreak havoc on our emotional body as well. One of the tell tell signs something is not right. Cultivating Yin-the feminine aspects such as receptivity, softness, quiet, reflection, and being able to receive is what brings balance in a very overly driven society.

Tips for Balancing Fatigue & Burn Out

1) Sleep: Sleep is essential! It is the Yin to the Yang. During the day, we are active and using a lot of energy and resources a very yang aspect of being. Sleep is considered Yin in TCM and necessary to rebuilding tissue and blood. Sleep allows the mind to rest and restore itself. Make it a priority and your mind and body will thank you for it.

  • Make sure to sleep at least 6-8 hrs a night: How long we sleep also depends on our age. The older we get, the less we sleep ( vata stage of life). Most of us in the pitta stage of life ( teens-50’s 60’s) 8 hours is recommended.
  • Try to get to bed by 10pm: This may not sound realistic to most of us, but quality is more important than quantity. Getting enough rest is important for the physical body to reset and heal itself. Good sleep ensures healthy immunity and strength.

2) Diet: When fatigued and exhausted, eat light, warm, cooked, easy to digest nourishing meals to rejuvenate. When fatigued, digestion is on the back burner as your body is trying to reserve energy for more important functions. Rebuilding agni, your digestive ability is the root of healthy digestion and assimilation of nutrients and vital minerals.

  • Recommended Foods: Choose whole organic foods!! Also cooked meals such as soups, steamed veggies, bone both, sweet potato, fats & oils to feed your brain.
  • Take Supplements: Take a multi vitamin ( not a replacement for meals). Also choose high antioxidant foods like berries and Vitamin B’s to combat stress and reduce free radical build up.
  • Adaptogenic + Stress Reducing Herbs: These herbs assist in balancing hormonal and stress levels. Oat straw, nettle, tulsi, ginseng, ashwagandha, lemon balm, scull cap, passionflower.

3) Lifestyle Management: 

  • REST: Nap during the day if possible. 20 minutes of resting, even if you don’t fall asleep will rebuild blood & yin, and calm your nervous system.
  • Daily Self Massage: Warm up some oil and give yourself a loving massage from head to toe. This is a grounding practice great for balancing all 3 doshas.
  • Sit quietly: At least 5-30 minutes a day to balance the Yin energies + quiet your senses.
  • Exercise: Moderately! Try not to over extend yourself when you are already depleted. It takes a lot of energy to exercise. A 20-30 minute walk or gentle Yoga practice is calming and nourishing. Slowly rebuild your practice once your energy levels out.
  • Restorative Yoga + Gentle Pranayama: Restorative Yoga is the best during times of stress and overwhelm. The mind and senses are already overloaded, so giving them a break and allowing yourself to relax is key to protecting Yin.
  • Take a day off to Rest: When you’re really feeling overwhelmed, sometimes taking a day off can work miracles! If that’s what you need, I support you!!

We’ve all suffered at some point from fatigue and overwhelm, and staying in balance is the key to healthy living. Our culture insists on staying busy and working as a symbol of productivity. If you have a purpose in life, chase your dreams by all means. But if your health is compromised in the process, take a step back and see where you can prioritize yourself and create more space to relax and enjoy life. It’s not all about the goal and getting anywhere, but finding joy in the moment as we process and go through life.

I trust this finds you well!


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