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Plant Ally Meditation & Journaling

Herbs are healing and extremely potent. It was the first line of medicine our ancestors used for self healing. But it takes skill, learning, and self exploration to understanding and utilizing herbs as medicine.

Here is a Meditation & Journaling practice I created for my clients and students interested in diving deeper with herbs and plant medicine. It’s also a great way to getting to know them better and how they work with you, and how they may work in harmony with other herbs.

I trust this finds you well…

Plant Ally Meditation & Journaling

Before you begin, sit with your tea in meditation. Take a few deep breaths to connect with your herbal allies. Notice if anything comes up for you whether a sensation, a feeling, or visual that comes to mind. Herbs are here to support you. Set an intention when you are ready. 

What herbs did you use in your tea?



How did you prepare your herbs? Infusion? Decoction?


What is the initial taste you experienced upon drinking your tea? Sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent, pungent, bland? Any aversion?



Did you notice the temperature? Warmth, cooling, heating?



Did you notice any sensations in your body? Did you notice your energy expanding, contracting, concentrated in one area of your body, moving up or down?



Did you notice any immediate effects on your mood? Ex: relaxed, energized, etc.



Any other thoughts or feelings you noticed?


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