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How to Prepare your Tea

How to Prepare your Tea

There are many ways to prepare your tea. The simplest way to make tea with herbs that contain flowers and leaves are by infusion. When infusing herbs,  herbs are steeped in water to extract the plant’s active ingredients. When using roots and barks, a decoction is best, in which the herbs are cooked in water up to an hour,  to fully extract the active constituents from the herbs.


1oz=28.35 g | 1 tsp=5 ml

4oz= ½ cup | 1 tsp=2.5 g

8oz= 1 cup | 1 Tbsp= 3 tsp

16 oz= 2cups | 4 Tbsp= ¼ cup

Infusion & Decoctions:

For decoctions:

Every 100 grams of herbs, use about 6 cups of water. Once the herbs come to a boil, cook on low for 30 minutes. Strain and store in the fridge. Reuse the herbs by recooking and repeating the process. Drink 2 cups of tea daily for optimal benefits.


In a 34 oz mason jar, use 32 grams of herbs or ½ cup of herbs for your infusion. * For every cup of water, add about 1-2 heaping Tbsp of herbs.

How to:

Simply place your herbs in your container of choice. You can use a mason jar, espresso expresser, glass tea kettle with strainer, or fill up a mesh sleeve with herbs! 

Boil water, then fill your receptacle of choice with water. Let it sit for at least 10-15 minutes before serving. If you prefer to make a cold infusion which requires room temperature water. Pour cool water over the herbs and let it sit overnight or for 8-12 hours. * To soak in the Solar Yang energy, place outside in the sun.*  * To soak in the Lunar Feminine energy, place outside under the moon with your favorite crystals.*   

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