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We were made for these times

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a concept of opposites called Yin and Yang. The principles of this theory believe that the foundation of the entire universe lies within Yin and Yang including the source of life and death. Interestingly, one of the theories state that the idea of opposites are interdependent upon one another. One cannot exist without the other. Darkness needs light, light needs dark, the moon cannot exist without the sun and vice versa, heat and cold, and so forth. These are the laws of nature and science. The mutual consuming principle of Yin and Yang states that when these opposing qualities are out of balance, each necessarily affects the other by changing their proportion to achieve homeostasis.

I believe a lot of the turmoil and chaos we are experiencing right now with the new Presidential Administration and all the struggles and suffering in the world are mere reflections of our own mind and the darkness within it. There is just as much beauty that exists in the world which are also reflections of the light and love within. Unfortunately, darkness is prevailing and balance needs to be restored.

Right now this balance has been compromised and the resistance is a way to bring balance. When we are sick, we can’t just sit back and let nature takes it’s course. We take actions to create space so that healing can occur, right? At the same time this new stimulus ( the president) is really pointing to the imbalances, injustices, and values that are being threatened that have long needed our attention. In many ways, I see this as a blessing in disguise. No doubt what is happening in our country is devastating and destructive not only to American citizens, but globally everyone is affected. Now more than ever before, we must rise to this occasion meeting it with compassion and strength. I am excited and honored to be alive at such a pivotal time in history. I believe we are the ones we have been waiting for…

As the Dalai lama says,” Compassion is the radicalism of our time.”

It means embodying-living-acting as compassionate human beings, the higher aspect of what it means to love. It means stepping into one’s shoe and deeply understanding one’s suffering, and to take action if we must. It doesn’t mean we have to take to the streets and protest, that may not be for all of us. But this is NOT the time to sit back and “wait for something to happen”. We are all in this together. What happens to them, happens to us. When others suffer, we suffer. And I believe we are all here with a greater purpose to serve humanity.

What can I do right now?

  • Write to your state congressman and representative.
  • Support local businesses. Corporations control our government. The more they make, the more power we give them. It’s so important we support our brothers and sisters in our own communities lifting and supporting one another up!
  • Donate funds to ACLU and other organizations
  • Stay connected to what’s happening to our rights and the rights of our fellow Americans
  • Connect with community and like minded folks
  • Organize, protest, call the White House and let them know your thoughts about the representatives for your state and country. Just because they were elected doesn’t mean we have to be okay with it.
  • Here is a link of non violent actions you can take to contribute to the resistance.

Ayurveda states that one of the main causes of dis-ease is when we believe we are separate from nature and we forget we are the divine spiritual beings that we are. When children come into this world, they are free from thoughts and worries. Eventually they become conditioned by family, society, and their culture from a young age. Judgement of ourselves or others are nothing more than our conditioning or triggers that shadow how we perceive things. Division and separation is a disease of the mind. When we are in a state of well being and connected with our higher power, judgement fades, maya ( illusion fades) and we come back to the pool of consciousness where we experience our true selves again. This is why meditation, self care, exercise, surrounding ourselves with positive people are ways we can self realize and experience our true inner peace. In this space is our ability to see ourselves in the other and end the cycle of pain and suffering.

More to say, and more to come but this is where I will leave it. I trust this finds you all well.

Sending love and Blessings,


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