
Importance of Ritual for Self Healing

Importance of Ritual for Self Healing

Why is ritual becoming so popular in the 21st century?

This is an unprecedented time in history where time seems to be moving quicker than ever before because of technology and global expansion. Studies show human attention spans are being reduced, violence is increasing in our cities, stress and traffic are increasing in our every day life, and our connection as a human species seems to be diminishing. There is less face to face interaction with people, and a lot of socializing takes place via internet on Twitter, FB, Instagram, etc. So how do we create more meaning in our lives, and find ways to reconnect with others, most importantly ourselves?


I like to use the word ritual versus habit or pattern because the word habit or pattern sounds too mundane, while rituals are known to be associated with religion, magic, and mysticism and it holds a certain weight to it.

Rituals have been used since humans existed and they help create meaning in our lives. I believe rituals are powerful and healing to the soul, and it’s one of the things we’ve lost by speeding through life. Rituals can help slow us down and remember what is important. It’s not just about making money, and the people you know, and how many homes you own. Rituals reinforces/affirms/honors the sacred in our every day to day living. Ritual brings the sacredness into what we do, because everything is Sacred, but with the busy-ness of life, we tend to get caught up in old repeated habits and patterns and they can start to lose their meaning and purpose.

By creating ritual or habits, it can also have a calming, grounding effect on the mind and it can help balance our bio rhythms. Hence, the way habits are developed such as eating breakfast or going to work at a certain time of the day or going to bed at the same time. Unfortunately our modern day schedule doesn’t fit in with natures cycle all the time, which can cause dis-ease and disharmony. It’s easy to forget we are a part of nature, not apart from it. By syncing with natures cycles and creating rituals around it, it can help bring us into alignment with our own divine nature. And when we nurture our nature, we begin to flourish.

Rituals also…

* help to meet our social needs. Humans have always gathered to commune and celebrate, mourn, and respect life.
* help us feel safer. We can expect things to go a certain way and it lessons our fears and anxiety about life. For example: religion, wedding, baby shower, breakfast, every day to day habits.
* helps foster connection, community, celebration, gratitude, healing, self love, self connection.
* helps to rewire our brain. Repeating a habit can strengthen neurotransmitters and their pathways. This could have it’s advantages and disadvantages. The con is that a negative habit is hard to kick because of how hardwired it is in our brain, but the positive note is that you can always create a new habit.

I have written a lot of blogs that speak about rituals and actual things we can do…such as meditating, practicing Yoga, drinking tea, etc. I think these are all great, but again, if we do them mindlessly we get caught up in the habit and disconnecting from the essence of why we are doing it. The purpose of ritual is to slow down and savor the moment, and not rushing through things as if it were just another chore. Rituals infuse presence and magic back into the mundane aspects of life.

One simple thing I’ve started doing is lighting incense when I wake up and sending a prayer to the universe for peace. It’s been very healing for me to connect in that way. I don’t have to go to church to pray, my home is my temple. I think being in nature is also a great way to connect with ourselves as well, but there’s not enough of it in the compacted cities we live in and sometimes nature is not as accessible. The sacred is not separate from ourselves and I think that is the illusion. I believe every moment is a chance to connecting with it.

Start by connecting with what you are already doing and get creative with it. When drinking tea, light a candle. When showering give gratitude to flowing water and visualize it washing away all your negativity.

I hope this inspires you to find some time to create simple rituals in your day. Bring the magick back!

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