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Love your Breasts

How often do you massage your breasts? If you’re as big into self massage as I am, it’s a regular thing. It’s an important part of our health, especially now since breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer that affect women. It is said that 1 out of every 8 women will have it in their lives.

Some factors including genetics, radiation exposure, and environmental pollutants are out of our control, yet there are still many preventative factors to consider. Stress and our diet is also a major player in all aspects of our health. Stress is actually considered a pathogenic factor in the disease process, and reducing it can protect our overall health and well being.

Some basic Tips on Breast Health:

* Eat a diet rich of vegetables and fruits and low processed foods: Fresh fruits and veggies are rich in minerals and vitamins, which are essential to our body. But also many of them have anti-oxidant properties that help fight carcinogens and block tumor development.

* Maintain Balance: We detox via the breath ( lungs), sweat ( lymphatic system, skin), urination ( urinary/kidney channel) , defecation ( large intestine) , and menstruation ( reproductive system for women). Our body reabsorbs what cannot be eliminated from the body. Make sure these bodily functions are operating at optimal so nothing is getting backed up.

* Exercise: Another way to move debris and excess toxic build up from the body. Also strengthens the heart and mind.

* Increase Fiber Intake: A high fiber diet promotes healthy digestion and helps eliminate wastes from our body. When there are high levels of ama-toxins in the body, excess or “bad” estrogens can be eliminated from our bodies.

* Avoid Bras that constrict the breasts: Wear bras and clothing that are comfortably fitting. Tight underwire bras inhibit blood and lymph flow and can create stagnation in the surrounding tissues. Avoid them altogether if you can!

* Avoid antiperspirant deodorants: The body is meant to sweat, this is a major way in which the body removes debris. Antiperspirants block the bodies ability to sweat. Try using something more natural such as salt rocks or make your own! Here is a recipe I found online

* Breast Massage: There is a saying in Traditional Chinese Medicine,” Where there is stagnation there is pain, where there is pain, there is stagnation.” Breast tissue is mostly adipose tissue so they do not receive as much blood flow as other parts of the body. Notice how rare it is to get cancer on a big muscle group in the body? Self breast massage is a wonderful way to allow the Ener-Qi or Prana to flow, hence bringing more blood flow and removing debris via the lymphatic system. This practice also helps to support a healthy relationship with our bodies and our breasts.


* You can do this in the shower or before going into the shower. I like to do it during my abyangha self massage practice which is usually before I shower.
* Use your favorite oils: coconut, sesame, almond oil, castor oil.
* Lather on the oil onto your breasts
* Massage in a circular motion around the breasts up the midline and around towards the armpits to help with lymphatic drainage
* I also like to massage my chest, neck and shoulders while I’m at it.

This can also be done if you have had a mastectomy.
Please contact your PCP if you discover any lumps or changes in breast tissue.

Enjoy! It can be a loving experience and a wonderful addition to your daily self care practices.

I trust this finds you well!


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  1. Great tip. I have done this massage for years but sometimes forget in the day to day rush of things. Perfect reminder for me. This conversation may enlighten some who are not yet doing self breast massage.

    1. Thank you!

      Great to hear, yes I hope it inspires women who aren’t doing it already it’s so important.

      So glad you are already on it!

      Thank you for sharing, Doris. I appreciate it!
