Herbs to Support Lung Health

Herbs to Support Lung Health
Since the start of the fires in LA, many friends and patients have struggled with sinus issues, asthma, congestion, dry cough, etc. Air quality has been improving as fires are mostly contained. But in recent weeks, toxins released into the air have exacerbated conditions especially for folks dealing with chronic lung issues.
Here is a list of herbs that are beneficial for the lungs and/or useful for folks who struggle with LT asthma and other chronic lung issues. The air is also crisp, cold and dry and these herbs can help to strengthen, moisten and nourish the lungs.
Herbs to Support Lung Health:
Reishi | Ling Zhi: A longevity mushroom used to calm the shen ( mind); stops coughing and wheezing.
Tremella| Bai Mu Er: A yin tonifying mushroom that moistens the lungs and generates fluids. Nourishes Lung Yin.
Mullein: Is an expectorant and assists the body in expelling excess mucous. It contains mucilage which soothes the tissues and reduces inflammation.
Licorice Root | Gan Cao: Nourishes the spleen to benefit the Lungs ( 5 elements).
Marshmallow Root: A mucilaginous herb that soothes irritation and coats irritated tissues to protect them. Can help relieve cough and soothe sore throats.
Cordyceps| Dong Chong Xia Cao: A unique fungus that is considered a tonic herb for the kidney and lungs. Boosts qi to combat fatigue and is highly regarded for its ability to reduce inflammation and enhance lung function.
Astragalus| Huang Qi: Tonifies qi and blood, boosts the protective qi ( immunity) and strengthens the lungs.
For more info on herbs, consult an herbalist or traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.