Beat the Heat with these Pitta Reducing Tips
Its been a ridiculously long hot “monsoon-y” summer-sometimes dry, moist, hot, humid, and overwhelming in general to…

Self Massage::::Self Care::::Self Love
Wow, its been a couple months since I’ve connected through my blogs and podcast…Life has taken me…

5 Tips to Clear your Junk this Spring
Spring represents a time of renewal. The sun is starting to shine, snow is starting to melt,…

3rd Saturday Community Clinic
Every 3rd Saturday at Sacred Roots from 11am-3pm *****Come receive 25 minute tune ups!!***** Therapies include: Therapeutic Massage,…

Balancing Digestion through the Holidays
When I think of the holidays, gluttony comes to mind. Busy weekends party hopping from one potluck…

Soul Nourishing Recipes for Reducing Vata
I walked by dog this morning and noticed not only was the air crisp and dry, but…

Yoga and Ayurveda for a Healthy Gut
According to eastern medicine ( Traditional Chinese Medicine and Indian Ayurvedic Medicine) there is a deep understanding…

Fall is the Best Season to Detox
The last days of summer are leaving us, and you can start to feel the cool breeze…

Ayurvedic Wisdom On Beauty And Longevity With Anita Sundaram
Join us in this wonderful discussion with Ayurvedic Beauty Specialist Anita Sundaram from Rasa Bhava Beauty and…