Hey Everybody!!
I have just started this new “blog” so that i can publish more day to date information on Yoga and Ayurveda.
Also updating any events that may be happening, that you may want to join along with!!!
Also posting some of my own proceses as i experiment and integrate more Yoga and Ayuredic practices into my life!!! As well as some general things that may interest anyone.
I am open to dialogues and comments if this “blog” permits.
This is my first time doing this!!!
My intention for creating this new blogging thing is to keep you all inspired and on your toes ready to take in the knowledge and wisdom that Yoga, Ayurveda, and Healing can bring into your own life, and to the life of others!!!
I wanted to share with eveeryone the next event set up, which will be in San Francisco!!! I will be making a short trip to SF and Sacramento to visit one of my Great Teachers, Rod Stryker, at Wanderlust Yoga and Kirtan event! THis will be in Lake Tahoe, north cali if anyone is interested in going.
So while I am up in SF, i am going to give an Ayurvedic Intro.
Here it is:
Date: July 26th, Tuesday at 7pm
Where: San Francisco, Shannon’s Place
This is going to be a introductory lecture and interative learning experience to understand and learn more about Ayurveda and how it can benefit and enrighen your life, and the lives of others.
We will learn:
~What is Ayurveda?
~Understanding how the elements in nature play a role in determining our natural constitution.
~How our balances and imbalances manifest
~How like can increase like, and how opposites can create more balance in our lives
~Tips for all 5 Senses and learn how to cultivate healtihier life choices
~General guidlines for food and diet, and creating healthier eating habits
***Donation of $10 or whatever you can give***
IF you are interested in coming, contact Shannon Rice or myself for directions.
***Tea and snacks will be served before and after***
Second event that is going to be ongoing is the Full Moon Sadhanas:
When: Saturday August 13th at 7pm
Where: Palos Verdes
Event is FREE and ongoing!!!
Womyn come one, come all!!!!
In Vedic practices and native cultures where the earth is celebrated and revered upon, womyn would gather around the days of the full moon to bathe, walk in the moonlight, and gather to sing, dance or meditate beneath the Luna Llena.
The full moon represents a time of fullness and completion. It gives us the limitless opportunity for womyn to beautify ourselves, exercise our sensuality, and reap the abundance from mother nature.
A…yurveda and other ancient earth bound people recognized that the moon significantly influenced a womyns bio-rythmns and that their minds, bodies, and spirits were intricately connected to her cycles.
When a womyns cycle is in sync with the moon, she remains in harmony with the cycles of nature, her surroundings, and with her Self.
Practicing the moon sadhanas, we honour life and our womanly wellness, recognizing the source of Shakti and nature as one.
***Goddesses! I have been meaning to do this for so long, and when i do, its such delight! Id love for you all to join on these evening hikes whenever you can!! I plan to do this once a month (or as often as i can go ), so i will keep you all posted for locations and carpooling info!
With Love
Oh sister you are so amazing! Keep up the magic love. ๐ Kisses
<3 soooo excited! ๐