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Spring Wellness

In Chinese Medicine, the Wood Element governs Spring and its organ is the liver. The liver is an organ of detoxification, and also processes our emotions. The emotions associated with the liver is anger ( frustration, irritability, jealousy, and even rage) Since the liver is responsible for the free flow of qi and blood, lifestyle factors can affect our liver leading to the depletion of blood, accumulation of heat in the blood, and/or stagnation of liver qi.

Liver qi stagnation is a common pattern in TCM, and can affect our emotions, producing heavy sighing, and pms symptoms to name a few. When our lives feel stagnant or stuck, it can cause the liver qi to bind up. Internally we may also feel stuck and immobile. Stress and excessive work are major contributing factors to the stagnation of liver qi.  

Signs of liver blood deficiency can cause menstrual issues, pale tongue and weak pulse, pale complexion, blurry vision, dizziness, dry skin and hair. Since the liver governs the eyes, signs of liver blood deficiency may affect the eyes causing blurry vision or floaters. Sound familiar?

An accumulation of liver heat in the blood from excess use of drugs, alcohol, spicy foods and meat can cause skin issues like eczema flare ups, increase in blood pressure, inflammation, and headaches.

In Chinese Medicine, ensuring the free flow of qi, blood, and our emotions  is essential for the harmonious function of our body.

Tips to Support a Healthy and Happy Liver this Spring:

Sleep well, and nap during the day: Get your zzz’s especially during the hours of the night that govern the liver ( 1-3am). Our bodies enter a restorative state while we sleep. It’s interesting to note studies show that 10-2am is the best time for regenerative sleep. Nap during the day if you’re tired. Napping nourishes liver yin and blood.  

Herbs to support the liver include: Milk thistle, nettle ( one of my favorites), dandelion, turmeric, schizandra, gou qi zi ( goji berry), green tea, bai shao ( peony root), and burdock to name a few.

Let your emotions flow: Repressing our emotions is the primary cause of the disruption of liver qi. When we harbor our emotions, this affects our health on various levels. It’s not comfortable to sit with uneasy emotions, but when we acknowledge them, with practice it’s becomes easier to regulate our mood and this builds resiliency inside and out.

Move your body: Exercise, stretch, walk, or dance. Movement is an essential part of being human. We often live sedentary lifestyles, especially here in Southern California. Moving our bodies is an important aspect of our self care regime. The wood element is all about Movement. This ensures the free flow of liver qi and blood.

Foods for Spring: The wood elements taste is Sour, and has a powerful ability to support healthy liver function. Focusing on citrus fruits, lemons, and fermented foods are beneficial for the liver and helps digest fats. Fresh leafy greens and bitters are cleansing and helps with the detoxification of the liver. Thinks foods such as dandelion greens, mustard, arugula and sprouts!

Less is more: We live in a capitalistic culture that values material gains over rest and happiness. This is tiring on our nervous system, and on our bodies ( overworking and not resting enough). Normalize doing less. You and your liver will be much happier, I promise.

Allergy Season: Spring and allergy flare ups seem to go hand in hand. My go to for sinus / allergy issues is the neti pot. It’s a life saver, I highly recommend it.

Wishing everyone a lovely rest of your Spring! May it be enlivening and joyeous for all!

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