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Sick and tired of being sick and tired?

Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Its an easy place to get stuck in, and its a vicious cycle!I know!I been there lots! I’d like to share with you these simple tips, that have helped me SO much in breaking that vicious cycle!

The reality is that when I am feeling depleted and tired, its quite impossible for me to give and meet others needs, properly that is without feeling drained. Then when I do find myself “catching up” all of a sudden, I find myself right back where I started. Sound familiar?

I find that most healers, mothers, workaholics, for example, are too busy taking care of their clients, their kids,and everyone else, that it leaves no time for themselves. I see relationships in their lives suffer and other areas of their lives compromised which leaves a huge strain on both ends.

I’ll admit it I’ve been caught in this vicious cycle many a times, too many. How do we meet the needs of our loved ones, our businesses, school work, etc if we can’t even meet our own? Then everything, even the things that you normally would enjoy, seem like a burden.

Ayurveda has taught me that the key to everything, is prevention. Stop the cycle before it starts!


Start by creating a “maintenance” routine: It’s important to create a “system of healing” that is consistent and do-able with your schedule. Otherwise you wont do it! We’re constantly accumulating stress and tension ( mental and physical stress) its important to buffer it on a regular basis. For example, I receive acupuncture on a weekly basis and massages at least once a month. I also maintain a regular yoga, meditation, and exercise routines weekly to keep me balanced and on top!

Learn to ask for help when you feel overwhelmed, even better, before you get to that point!: Its not easy for many of us, I know. But learn to ask, and you shall receive!!! The universe works, just like that!!
I was at a point recently where I felt so overwhelmed that it paralyzed me from moving forward. So I hired a personal assistant and she was great!! She lifted a huge load off my back, and then I was able to work on other important things that required my attention.

Learn to say NO: It’s that simple. We can easily get stuck in the role of a “caretaker” whether it comes in the form as mother, father, healer, friend, etc. but the fact of the matter is, we can’t please everyone, and we don’t have to! Otherwise expect burn out! Great tip: I read somewhere if on a scale from 1-10 ( 10 yes you really want to do it) and if someone asks you to do something and its below a 7, then don’t do it!

There is so much joy that can shine forth when we’re thriving and living at our optimal! The quality of ease and grace is available at every moment, why do we get caught up in the drama? Remember to ~pause~ and ~breathe~ and remember that joy is available. We don’t have to suffer. Why? Because life is too short to waste! And if you’re tired now, imagine getting older, it doesn’t get easier that’s for sure! So take care of yourself now, and set the tone for the rest of your days! Make it a good, one! It’s all up to you!!!

Love you all!

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  1. Thanks Jenny. I agree with all the things you say and also based on my experience is most of the time we don’t give ourselves enough time and loving kindness. We tend to project the ‘love’ to others but not to ourselves and it can come to a point that we don’t even know what self-loving is.