
5 Ways to Live a Peaceful Life

It’s only April, but it feels like it’s been a lifetime!! I just finished my last final for Acupuncture School for the semester, and next week I’m getting married!!!

It’s been a busy year to say the least, but beautiful in so many ways. I realized I have to continue setting my personal boundaries because it’s easy to get busy and take things on thinking I can easily do it. Which I can. But in the end feeling burned out. Not a good feeling. I’ve been able to deepen some of my self care practices recently it’s been enlightening, and it’s helped me to prioritize my health and sanity! I’d like to share these nuggets of wisdom with you, and maybe it will help shed some insight + spark inspiration in your own lives:

1) Take a Weekend off each Month ( my new Self Care Goal): I know it sounds crazy but I swear getting away will recharge you in a way you didn’t think possible. Trust me on this one!

2) Let Go of Control: Don’t worry about what others are doing it will only stress you out. Relinquish the need to control everything in your life and you’ll be happier, I promise:)

3) Balance your Feminine Side: In a masculine GO GO GO driven society, balance is key! Learn to receive and DO LESS! The nature of the feminine is to be receptive. Prioritize REST, and take time off or cut things out of your life that aren’t feeding your life purpose and move forward.

4) Sleep More! I’ve struggled with sleep the last few years and it’s been tough. Sleep is rejuvenating to the body and mind, and calms our spirit. Make it a priority by getting to bed early, or creating a ritual even if it means no phone in bed for the last 30 minutes to an hour before bed. You will sleep better, and wake up feeling more refreshed!

5) Water is Healing: Water is Life. Stay hydrated ( your cells and tissues will have more elasticity and it’s anti aging). Indulge your body in water either in a bath, in a lake, swimming pool as often as you can. It will clear your energetic body and free you of stress. It’s one of the most nourishing and grounding things you can do for yourself especially in times of stress. * Balancing for Vata + Pitta Dosha

Some of you may already be doing these things, right on! These are things I’ve done quite often as part of my self care routine as well. But I’ve been able to go deeper into these practice in the last few months which has been life changing!!

Try them out and let me know how it goes!

I trust this finds you all well.

With LOVE,


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